Sunday, December 6, 2009

Using Computer Games for Teaching

Personally I am not a huge fan of using computer games to teach. I think that kids these days already spend enough time in front of the computer screen. While a computer is good for teaching one on one, there is no need to use a computer game to teach kids when there is a classroom full of people to learn from and with. It's also better to be in a group so ideas can be bounced off one another.
While I do see the benefits of using computer games to teach (such as it's something kids might actually have fun doing), I think that there are other methods that should be used my teachers. I mean, a teacher's job is to teach the kids, so why would you let some computer do it?
As for relating this to journalism, it doesn't really relate. One thing I could say however, is it's important for journalists to not just rely on what the find on the computer/internet. They actually need to go to the source and interview in person.
In class we talked about a game Second Life to teach kids about the world around them. Here's an article on Second Life....

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