Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Distance Education and Virtual Learning

Personally, I am 100% against distance education and virtual learning. While at UF I have taken three online courses, and I am confident that had I gone and listened to a teacher in a classroom versus having to watch lectures online I would've done much better and learned a lot more. Learning online makes it so that you don't have to pay as much attention and you can gloss over things. It is also hard to discipline yourself to sit down and actually do online education because you don't have a scheduled class time and can always "do it later." I think that students by far get a better education by being in a classroom with a teacher lecturing and being able to come in contact with others in the class.
As for journalism and distance learning, I definitely don't think you can learn journalism from afar. Many of our classes are taught through peer on peer discussion. We critique each others papers and voice our ideas and opinions, which is much easier to do together in a classroom than in an online chat session.
Although I am against distance learning, I will acknowledge that it is getting better and better through the use of web cams.

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