Sunday, December 6, 2009

Professional Web Presence

I think that having a web presence is very important when applying for a job. It is important for employers to see that you are internet savvy, and it is a way to tell them more about you besides what would be on a typical resume. Of course, it is important to make sure your web presence is somewhat censored. Many people believe this should mean no pictures of partying and no full blown opinions of things, but I have a different idea of this. I don’t think you should have sexual or pictures of you extremely intoxicated on things like Facebook,. But, I do believe that you should have your web presence reflect who you really are as a person, and not every tiny little thing that could be controversial be removed. For example, I do have some partying pictures, but I’m not going to get rid of them because I do like to go out with friends and have a good time every once in a while and if my employer can’t understand that, then frankly I don’t want to work for them. Of course this doesn’t mean that I have multiple pictures downing shots or doing the beer bong.

In journalism it is especially important to have web presence. It’s an easy way for people to contact you, and it’s an easy way to share your profile. Also, lots of times when you have an article published, it will show up in a google search of your name. And the more articles that show up, the better!

Here is a screen shot for a google search of my name. Notice the articles that show up

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