Monday, September 28, 2009

Photoshop picture manipulation

Photoshop picture manipulation is one topic that means a lot to me. After taking a photo journalism course this past semester, I am 100% against photoshop manipulation. I think that if you are making the reader or viewer think something is real, it should be. Even if it is something completely minute that is being taken out, it is still keeping the absolute truth from the viewer.

Visual Literacy being used in traveling

This week in class we are learning about visual literacy. Visual literacy is something that everyone uses every day since they are born, but they usually don't recognize that it is being used. After reading about what visual literacy is my first thought was how helpful it was when studying abroad. Even though I was in Paris and spoke about 3 words of French, I managed to get by and get almost everything I wanted just by using visuals. Yeah, things didn't have the same name, but they would look the similar, and some brands that are universal would have different names but the same labels (Diet coke for example). This also helps companies with marketing, because by making the products look similar in different environments, visitors can easily identify them and will be comforted by the familiar. Overall, having such a concept of visual literacy makes traveling around the world much easier.

Monday, September 21, 2009